Conquering martech challenges as a CMO

Conquering martech challenges as a CMO

Technological advancements are happing fast, giving us more possibilities to do marketing and sales every day. At the same time, it poses some serious challenges as welel. Marketing leaders are at the forefront of this shift. They are tasked with leveraging new technologies to drive business growth, improve customer experience and stay ahead of the […]

Advanced CRM marketing strategies for B2B

Advanced CRM strategies for B2B companies

If you’re in B2B, you may be wondering how you can build sustainable long-term relationships with your customers and improve business results by leveraging your CRM. To optimize marketing and sales processes and build a loyal customer base, you need to adopt a CRM marketing strategy that will help you do that. So why does […]

Measuring the ROI of your CRM investment

Measuring the ROI of your CRM investment

Using a CRM is not a luxury these days. It’s a necessity. In a business world that becomes more digital every day, keeping track of every interaction with prospects and clients is really hard without a CRM. We already made our point before that your CRM is the beating heart of the company. A robust […]

Creating marketing magic by mastering CRM data

Creating marketing magic by mastering CRM data

Creating marketing magic by mastering CRM data For anybody in sales or marketing, the Customer Relationship Management (CRM) system is the heart of a customer-centric business. Your CRM holds the key to fostering strong relationships, driving sales, and delivering exceptional customer service. But the challenges with a CRM is that it’s only as good as the […]

10 key benefits of using a CRM platform for B2B companies

10 key benefits of using a CRM platform for B2B companies

10 key benefits of using a CRM platform for B2B companies It amazes us every single day that there are still so many companies today that operate without a CRM. With fierce competition and demanding prospects that want their communication on many different channels, managing relationships with customers and prospects is a real challenge. That’s […]

The importance of user adoption in a CRM platform

The importance of user adoption in a CRM platform

The importance of user adoption in a CRM platform These days, everyone seems to be constantly on the lookout for the newest tools. It’s as if your company can only survive if it jumps on every new thing in marketing every single time. And though we do encourage innovation, and even though the world is […]

How to lay the foundation for marketing automation success

The foundation for marketing automation success

How to lay the foundation for marketing automation success If you’re running a business or leading a marketing team, you may be thinking about automating your marketing and/or operations. If you’re undecided, our blog about why investing in automation should be a priority can be helpful. For now, let’s say you have decided you need to start […]

CRM, the beating heart of your organisation

CRM, het kloppend hart van je organisatie

CRM, the beating heart of your organisation Today, CRM systems come in many shapes, colors and price brackets. But judging by the countless companies we have already spoken to, Excel is still very prominent as a CRM system in many organizations. Excel is, of course, a wonderful tool for many applications. But as a CRM, […]