Personalization at scale: a short guide

Personalization is no longer optional for B2B marketers: it’s a necessity. Your potential customers expect tailored experiences at every touchpoint, from the initial contact to post-sale interactions with your service team.

Now, if you look at your CRM, you may be wondering how on earth you can personalize every interaction with every contact person. Personalization at scale can be a real challenge. To be successful, you need to find the right balance between personalization and scalability. Here’s how B2B companies can effectively navigate this complex terrain.

Understand your segments

The foundation of any personalization strategy is a deep understanding of your audience. Our buyer persona worksheet can be a good starting point to gain more understanding of your target audience. Many companies serve multiple segments. Each segment comes with its unique needs, challenges and goals. So begin by segmenting your audience, based on factors like industry, company size, job role, search behavior and buying habits. Advanced segmentation can include more nuanced factors like specific pain points, technology stacks, or even company culture.

Key actions:

  • Use CRM data to analyze existing customers and identify key segments.
  • Develop detailed buyer personas for each segment.
  • Employ predictive analytics to anticipate future needs and trends within each segment.

Leverage data and analytics

Data is the lifeblood of your organization. Data is everywhere you look, whether you’re in marketing, sales, finance or service delivery. It enables you to understand customer behavior and preferences, get an idea about their pain points and predict future actions. To personalize your marketing interactions at scale, you need to harness both first-party and third-party data.

Key Actions:

  • First-Party Data: Collect and analyze data from your CRM, email marketing campaigns, website interactions or support tickets.
  • Third-Party Data: Supplement your insights with data from external sources, like industry reports, social media, and third-party analytics platforms.
  • AI and Machine Learning: Use AI-driven tools to process large amounts of data and identify patterns that can inform personalization strategies. Machine learning algorithms can help you predict what content or services are most relevant to each customer segment.

Create dynamic content

Dynamic content is (digital) content that automatically changes based on user behavior, preferences or other criteria. This creates a personalized experience for the viewer. For example, on an e-commerce website, a returning customer might see product recommendations based on their previous purchases, while a first-time visitor might see trending items. In email marketing, dynamic content can adjust the message based on the recipient’s location, lifecycle stage, past interactions or industry.

When you use dynamic content in your marketing, you can adapt your message to the needs and preferences of your viewers. This means you need to create content that speaks to the unique challenges of each segment, maybe even to individual accounts.

Key Actions:

  • Personalized Emails: Use dynamic content blocks in your email campaigns to tailor messages based on the recipient’s industry, role, or behavior.
  • Website Personalization: Implement tools that customize the website experience based on the visitor’s past behavior or firmographic data.
  • Targeted Landing Pages: Develop landing pages that are specific to different audience segments, featuring relevant case studies, testimonials, and value propositions.

Scale with marketing automation

Personalizing your marketing messages means being human. At the same time, your company needs to scale it up, and that requires automation. Marketing automation platforms enable you to deliver personalized content to thousands of contacts without sacrificing quality. You’ll be able to send a personal message at the right time to anyone in your CRM, even if they are all in a different stage of the buyer journey.

Key Actions:

  • Behavioral Triggers: Set up automated workflows that respond to specific actions taken by the customer, like downloading a whitepaper or attending a webinar.
  • Lead Scoring: Use automated lead scoring to prioritize prospects based on their engagement level and fit with your ideal customer profile.
  • Multi-Channel Campaigns: Automate the delivery of personalized messages across multiple channels, including email, social media, and paid advertising.

Measure and optimize

Personalization is not a one-time effort. It’s an ongoing process within your organization. Regularly measuring the effectiveness of your personalization strategies and making data-driven adjustments is crucial for success.

Key Actions:

  • A/B Testing: Continuously test different personalized elements, like email subject lines, content formats or CTA buttons.
  • Analytics Dashboards: Use dashboards to track key metrics: for example engagement rates, conversion rates, and customer lifetime value.
  • Feedback Loops: Incorporate feedback from sales teams and customers to refine your personalization strategies.

Privacy vs. personalization

More personalization in your marketing also means you need to protect your customer data. If you want to use it, you have to store it somewhere. So your job is also to protect data and have processes in case something happens. Your organization will need to comply with GDPR and the AI Act as well.

Key Actions:

  • Transparency: Be transparent with your customers about how their data is being used for personalization.
  • Consent Management: Implement robust consent management processes to ensure compliance with regulations.
  • Data Security: Invest in advanced security measures to protect customer data and build trust.

Personalization at scale is a powerful strategy for any company. If done right, it enables you to deepen customer relationships, increase conversion rates, and drive growth. By understanding your audience, leveraging data, creating dynamic content, and utilizing automation, you can deliver highly personalized experiences to a broad audience without compromising on quality or efficiency. As you implement these strategies, remember to continuously measure, optimize, and protect customer data, ensuring that your personalization efforts are both effective and ethical.

Report: The crisis of disconnection

In this free report, we share insights and data about how disconnection hurts your company, and how you can fix this.