Your Marketing strategy

Identify your persona's, map your customer journey and document your content marketing plan.

Get your strategy right.

Your strategy for growth

When we ask about a company’s strategy, we either get some vague explanation about their plans, or we get a presentation with countless slides and s many details they don’t even know where to start.

The problem is: every department in your organization just does their own thing, and nobody knows what they need to be doing to be successful.

In the end, this leads to lost deals, lots of waisted revenue and frustration.

What if you had a clear actionable strategy?

A comprehensive and well thought out strategy should be your company’s North Star. It should be well documented in clear language and easily available for your teams.

You’ll also want it well researched and based on proven methodologies and predictable approaches.

In the end, you want to see a measurable impact on your overall business growth.

Clear actionable strategy

How do we help you build your strategy?

Our strategy building process is a programme where we work closely with your team and walk you through a proven process that helps us to clarify relevant details about your business. Together we explore your business, your services and products, your competitors and your customers.

At the end of this programme, you will have a strategy toolkit consisting of:

  • Buyer persona – A clear view of your ideal customer, their goals, challenges and demographics, and how your services can have a positive impact on their business.
  • Customer journey – a clear path of how you will attract visitors, generate leads, turn those into customers and eventually promotors of your brand.
  • Competition analysis – an overview of your most important competitors and how they are promoting their business.
  • Content strategy – a reference document containing an analysis of your online presence, keyword research, and opportunities and best practices for your messaging on different channels, including social media and ads. 

Pricing for strategy development

Your strategy

  • Three workshops (up to 2,5 hours each) with your team led by senior strategists from Upperscore
  • Customer journey for one service or product
  • Analysis of 2 competitors
  • Content strategy for 1 product or service, including keyword research

Upperscore marketing agency


We work in close collaboration with your team


More visitors, more leads and more customers for your company

Experienced experts

Seasoned marketers with years of experience in different industries

Hubspot partner

Certified Hubspot Solutions partner

Ready to start creating your growth strategy?

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